Monday, August 29, 2011

What Remains

Demolition of the structure remaining from the April 27 tornado was completed in late July.  Each time I drive over to the old church site, I think I've made a wrong turn.  No landmarks remain:  no trees, signs, stores, bricks.  I've heard the site called a 'moonscape.'  It's as if we never existed.

But we still exist.  We are continually reminded of this simple truth.  Let me explain:

On Sunday, August 21st, the choir of Faith Lutheran Church (under the direction of Fred Ehrensperger, shown above, leading rehearsal) visited.  And they did what they do best.

They made music, so vital to the life of the Church, our Church.  Shown above:  the Faith Lutheran Choir, directed by Fred Ehrensperger, and accompanied by Adam Bowles, D.M.A.

And on Sunday, August 28, the Rev. Michelle Kuhlman and a group of parishioners from Grace Lutheran Church, Carrollton, Georgia, joined us for worship and a picnic at a local park.  Afterward, I drove the group over to the church site.

They say being a Lutheran in the Deep South is a lonely business--there's just not that many of us to go around.  But I say that just the presence of one or two others can make all the difference.  

The church site is indeed a moonscape.  You'd never know we existed.  But our friends' love and care reminds us that we do.