You may remember the hymn 'The Church of Christ, in Every Age' (Green/Knapp). The first verse reads, 'The Church of Christ, in ev'ry age/ Beset by change, but Spirit led/ Must claim and test its heritage/ And keep on rising from the dead.'
I never quite 'got' this hymn: or, rather, I understood it in only an academic sense. But now, when I see the rubble from which we will rebuild; when along with my congregation I celebrate Holy Communion in our new temporary home; and when I unpack a donated and very welcome box of ELW's, I get it. Christ's church. Spirit-led. Rising from the dead.
Weekly announcements follow immediately below.
--Our mailing address is P.O. Box 974, Cullman, AL, 35055. The physical address (no mail deliveries) of our temporary office is 401 2nd Ave. S.W., Suite 102, Cullman, Alabama, 35055. Phone: 256-734-6842.
--We meet for fellowship each Sunday at 10:30 in the retreat hall. This is a great way to catch up on the week’s activities. Join us, if you're in town. The snacks are delicious...and kudos to Johnny and Brenda Fricke, who keep us generously supplied with Starbucks. Keep that third sacrament coming, folks!
--All Saints Lutheran, Huntsville, will worship with us on Sunday, July 10th. We have recently enjoyed worshiping with members of Faith Lutheran, from Clay, Alabama.